We Have the Tools to End the Teacher Shortage — Let’s Put Them to Work

Pennsylvania is facing a teacher shortage crisis, threatening both the academic success of current students and the prospects of future generations if we don’t act now.

This crisis doesn’t just impact schools; it affects our broader workforce and Pennsylvania’s economy at large. Fortunately, our state leaders have the tools to address this crisis.

This budget season, we're asking Governor Shapiro and members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly to:

FULLY fund the student teacher stipend program: The legislature enacted this program with bipartisan support last year, but the current $10 million will only support 600-750 student teachers. In the first 24 hours alone, over 4,500 student teachers applied for the stipend. A 2024-25 appropriation of $75 million would allow every single student teacher who applies — all of whom are committing to teach in PA for three years — to receive funding.

Invest $10 million toward grow-your-own programs: Governor Shapiro proposed $10 million for the Educator Talent Recruitment Account to support grow-your-own programs, teacher apprenticeships, and other promising strategies to create pathways for youth, paraprofessionals, and other community members into teaching. The legislature must include this funding in the 2024-25 state budget.

Your voice matters! Join us today and tell Governor Shapiro and your state legislators to move these budget priorities forward!